we are a growing multigenerational family of believers that place a high priority on connection and community. Life groups exist to provide this outside of our normal Sunday Morning gatherings.


Life groups consist of 8-14 people that meet together in various homes, coffee shops and restaurants across Morehead City and the surrounding communities.

These groups meet weekly, biweekly and some even monthly with the goal of growing closer in their relationship with Jesus within the context of a smaller group. Here at Glad Tidings Church, life groups are an essential part of our church and how we do life together. We encourage everyone to find one that they can join because life change happens in community.


Our life groups follow a semester-based system that typically follows this format with breaks in between semesters to allow for rest and family time for our leaders.


January-May: Spring Semester

June-July: Summer break

August-November: Fall Semester

December: Winter Break


Do you want to make a difference? We all do. Sometimes we wait for someone else to make the first move. Leading a Life Group simply means you go first. You don’t have to be a theologian or commit every night of the week to be a leader.

If you love having fun, helping people take a next step, and celebrating life-change, leading a Life Group may be just the thing for you. Follow the link below to take the first step towards leading your group!